
Monday, May 14, 2012

A slice of Heaven

Well, it seems posting here has become far and few had been my greatest intention for my life to slow down so I could ease into the coming of our newest little one but alas, life always has plans of its own.

A new adjustment for me has been my change in employment status within the past 2 weeks. I've worked 5-7 days a week for the past year and a half caring for a lovely lady who lived in a retirement home in our neighborhood. Due to her need for more around the clock care it was with great excitement and trepidation that we moved her into the new Camphill Elder Community that has been built in our town. I am no longer her caregiver as those daily assists have been given to the lovely Home Health Aides at the Camphill Community, I am no longer expected to visit with her as often as I had's deeply saddening but oh so exciting to watch her on her new adventure and to see how she is able to adapt and accept the love and support from her new caregivers. It's a blessing as I now I am able to have the time which was spent going to and fro with her is able to be used in ways that allow me to foster a sense of relaxation, a slower pace, freed up space in my mind, and the ability to "stay" caught up on other things that would normally fall to the way side. As much as I miss her, I am grateful for allowing myself the permission to take back my time and use it in ways that help me to find the slower pace that I feel I've been missing.

Slowly, I am paring down........trying to stay clear of commitments and activities that go against my needs and requests for slowing down or taking time away from my family. I'm deeply in the feeling that our time together as a family of 6 is dwindling with the eventual arrival of our wee angel and that every moment we have to share is so important as our little slice of Heaven will look and feel very different (in only good ways :) ) very soon!

I hope all you Mama's out there had a lovely day full of the most wonderful moments as your families celebrated you and all the love and beauty you bring to their lives xoxo

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekly Gratitude :: May Fair

Welcome to Gratitude! If you feel called to join along please link up in the comments section below with any post that expresses your gratitude and reverence for the "little things" in your life. Share on your blog, spread the word on Facebook or any other social outlet. Let's slow it down and enjoy our time and remember to be thankful for all the moments that make life worth while! 

This week was one of those weeks where stopping was not an option. Every moment was full! Monday, the lady I care for moved into the new Camphill facility in our area. It was such an exciting day, however emotional stressful, the space is beautiful, the people are amazing, the view from her new house is breath-taking. It was a long day of unpacking and meetings but a happy day, nonetheless. The whole experience has been so wonderful and for that I am truly grateful!

The rest of the week consisted of being with my Mother who is still recovering from her surgery from 12 weeks ago. I am very thankful to be able to give her my time and to spend good quality time with her. It isn't easy some days but I wouldn't change anything (except it would be nice for her to be well again!).

Then came preparing (mentally) for a friend who had asked me to prepare several dozen baked goods for a Celebration of Life she was holding in honor of her Father. I felt honored she had asked me to provide the treats but had become overwhelmed at the amount that was desired. In the end, we decided that we (our family) would ignore the tasks at hand in lieu of some FUN! I am so grateful we had been weeks since we had all been together (sadly our son was not able to join us so he was missed very dearly), outside, laughing and enjoying every single second.

We left nice an early and went to our local Waldorf School to take part in their Spring Fair. I will let some of our photos tell the rest of our story. There was so much more we didn't get to photograph......Bella on the zip line, the Kindergarten space and puppet show, children walking around on stilts, the girls jumping into hay bales, the St. Michael and the Dragon wagon ride! It was all so thrilling and wonderful.

Wishing you all a lovely week full of the most wonderful moments that you will cherish for a lifetime xoxo

Here is my Bella climbing the pole to reach a banana.

Here she is with her prize!!

KiKi is loving the slide
Charlotte has mastered the tight rope, with Papa standing close by :)

Charlotte and KiKi magically became butterflies xoxo

KiKi is getting ready for the boat race!

Playing in the stream during the boat race!
Charlotte with her new friend tying the Maypole.

Bella and KiKi skipping along......their happiness is so beautiful to see!

Friday, May 4, 2012

{ this moment }

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by Amanda Blake Soule at



Thursday, May 3, 2012

Apple Blossom

Blossom of the apple trees!
Mossy trunks all gnarled and hoary,
Grey boughs tipped with rose-veined glory,
Clustered petals soft as fleece
Garlanding old apple trees!

How you gleam at break of day!
When the coy sun, glancing rarely,
Pouts and sparkles in the pearly
Pendulous dewdrops, twinkling gay
On each dancing leaf and spray.

Through your latticed boughs on high,
Framed in rosy wreaths, one catches
Brief kaleidoscopic snatches
Of deep lapis-lazuli
In the April-coloured sky.

When the sundown's dying brand
Leaves your beauty to the tender
Magic spells of moonlight splendour,
Glimmering clouds of bloom you stand,
Turning earth to fairyland.

Cease, wild winds, O, cease to blow!
Apple-blossom, fluttering, flying,
Palely on the green turf lying,
Vanishing like winter snow;
Swift as joy to come and go.
~ Mathilde Blind