
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A poem to warm today

The Sun Is In My Heart
A.C Harwood
from the Waldorf Book of Poetry

The Sun is in my heart
He warms me with his power,
And wakens, wakens life and love,
In every beast and flower,
In every beast and flower.

The stars above my head
Are shining in my mind
As spirits, spirits of the world,
That in my thought I find,
That in my thought I find.

The earth whereon I tread
Let's not my feet go though,
But strongly, strongly doth uphold
The weight of deeds I do,
The weight of deeds I do.

The must I thankful be
As man on earth I dwell,
To know, to know and love the world,
And work all creatures well,
And work all creatures well.

The Waldorf Book of Poetry is a very special book. They are offering a look inside the book which you can find at here ~

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so remember saying these words everyday with my class at Sacramento Waldorf School. Our Teacher was Mark Murray!


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