
Monday, December 3, 2012

Our first week of Advent

Now the twilight of the year
Comes, and Christmas draweth near.
See, across the Advent sky
How the clouds move quietly.
Earth is waiting, wrapt in sleep,
Waiting in a silence deep.
Birds are hid in bush and reed
Flowers are sleeping in their seed.
Through the woodland to and fro
Silent-footed creatures go.
Hedgehog curled in prickly ball
Burrows 'neath the leaves that fall.
Man and beast and bird and flower
Waiting for the midnight hour
Waiting for the Christ-child's birth
Christ who made the heaven and earth.
~ Ann Ellerton
Our first few days of Advent have been quite special. We had some lovely family time to tip it off. We spent lovely time at our church yesterday, welcoming in the Advent season, sharing a cup of coffee with our neighbors, and then the children all rehearsed a piece of music they will perform in the church's Christmas Eve service. I wished I had taken a picture of our Charlotte. Her little face with a smile from ear to ear as she sang her little heart out (when she remembered the words). This is her first ever performance, well.......actually, when she  was not not even 2 years old she was a little Angel in the Christmas pageant. She flitted about, not following at all what was happening. She gave those that came to see it quite a laugh, and me a run for my money! Either way, it was beautiful to watch.
We have had our Nature Table and Advent Garden set now for about a week.  We just couldn't wait! Our Nature Table is donned with a blue silk and a porcelain dish with some stones and shells. Our chalkboard drawing reads the first part of Rudolf Steiner's poem for Advent.....
The first Light of Advent is the Light of stones,
Stones that lives in crystals, seashells and bones.
Over our Advent garden (which is located on a large dresser in our dining room) is ready and waiting for the addition of all those who will  arrive in time for the coming of the Christ child; stones, plants, sheep, donkeys, shepards, the Angel, Joseph and Mary. As the days go on, we will add other elements to bring a focus toward hope, in honor of, and in love. We have 3 stars hanging above our garden and will have more as time goes on. On Christmas morning, the largest star will be hung in honor of the one we've been anticipating all through Advent.
It's been a beautiful week of preparations. This week we will also celebrate St. Nicholas Day. I'm working  on handmade gifts for the littles and the big kids. Below is a picture of a felted bill fold (?) for my son. He loves wallets......I thought I'd see how it goes :) for my oldest daughter, I'll be making her a little felted pouch for her jewelry.

Here, in this photo, are the fixings for some peg dolls for the littles. I'm excited to get my hands on these colorful felt pieces and see what little friends are born from them.

Season of Mindfulness:: Day 4
An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. May you be open to each thread that comes into your life - the golden ones and the coarse ones - and may you weave them into a brilliant and beautiful life ~ Ancient Chinese proverb
I saw these words this morning at The Magic Onions  (on their Facebook page) and they inspired my focus for today's mindfulness meditation. How do these invisible threads effect your relationships? How do they effect you during this Advent season? Are your threads breaking off as you become unattached to certain aspects of your life? Do you want to be unattached? I'm working on realigning my relationships with my  hopes for where I would like to be. It would be hard to get anywhere if you where surrounding yourself with those who were not holding you up or contributing positivity to your moments. It's because of those people that we are so deeply connected to that we have gotten where we are today. There are those people we are connected to that we don't even know, like that guy at the coffee shop! It's our smiles, our "how do you dos", it's holding the door open, it's offering a helping hand. These threads that connect us is what makes our days that much brighter, or darker, depending on who we let in. Who are you letting in?
How are you preparing today? This week? This season?

1 comment:

  1. i love the visual of thread connecting. golden or coarse. although sometimes those threads feel a bit like barbed wire. not sure what to do about those threads.


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