
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sometimes all you need is MAGIC!

It was wonderfully sweet to come home, finally, after three weeks away. I've been home for one full week and it's been exciting, new, exhausting, frustrating, full of hugs and snuggles, tears, and continued lack of may have been one of the longest weeks on record! But, I wouldn't have changed anything as being with my family is worth every second; good, bad, pretty or ugly!

On another note, the littles have entered their "recovery" phase of whooping cough. They've been so brave and have truly come through this without so much as a whine or complaint. Truth be told, Charlotte, our 4 year old, has had the hardest time even though her cough was nothing in comparison to Kiki's. Charlotte is much more in control and less willing to resign to the coughing where as Kiki is quite a bit more willing to let her body do what it needs to and has full trust in those who are with her to hold her and help her through. It's been scary and unpredictable but through it all we've had an amazing support system including friends and family and wonderful doctors, three in fact, who have helped us come up with a plan to bring greater health, strength and vitality to our little girls as well as create a protective barrier around our infant. We're extremely fortunate that our baby Seraphina has maintained her health and continues to thrive.......we're also so grateful that Kiki and Charlotte have managed to avoid any secondary infections and are healing quickly and well.

One of the biggest sorrows I felt during this past month was being unable to care for my sick babies while I was away. I had to allow for God's grace to be with my husband 24 hours a day to follow his instincts and ask for help when he needed it. My husband has an amazing heart and a wild dedication to our family. He dove head first into caring for all four of our children, all day and all night. He was home from work for the entirety of the month of June; keeping house, caring for two very sick littles, following the big kids around and maintaining the last few weeks of school, two weeks of performances that Bella was taking part in at our local summer stock theatre, grocery shopping, and sneaking in visits to me. My husband is my hero!

While I was away, one of the ways my husband was able to comfort the littles and keep their minds off of all the fear that surrounded their coughing fits was through stories of faeries. He would take them outside in search of the evening faeries that would come visit our garden. They would play hide and seek with them, listen for them, tell stories about them and of course attempt to catch them! The photo below is of the littles having fallen asleep, finally, after a terrible evening of fitful coughs. My love told them a few stories of faeries and Charlotte had decided she would stay awake until she saw a faerie and capture you can see, she didn't stay awake!

Sometimes, all you need is MAGIC to make everything alright! How do you bring magic into your life with your littles? We would love to hear your stories :o)

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