
Sunday, December 16, 2012

~ I Have Come Home ~

I have come home.
I have entered humanhood, bound to rocks and
plants, men and women, rivers and sky.
I shall be with you in this and other worlds.
When the cat arches in the doorway, think of me.
I have sometimes been like that.
When two men meet each other in the street, I am
there speaking to you.
When you look up, know I am there -
sun and moon - pouring my love around you.
All these things I am; portents, images, signs.
Though apart, I am part of you.
One of the million things in the universe, I am the
universe, too.
You think I disguise myself as rivers and trees
simply to confuse you?
Whatever I am, woman, cat or lotus, the same God
breathes in every body.
You and I together are a single creation.
Neither death nor spite nor fear nor ignorance
stops my love for you...
~ From the Waldorf Book of Poetry
Like so many millions of people on this Earth, I am whirling aimlessly in my days and  nights in the wake of the terrible tragedy that struck Connecticut's little town of Newtown; a place very much like my own. My heart is aching, so, so, deeply as I hear of and see the pain in the loss of so many innocent lives. Young souls that had only graced this planet for such a short time have now made a powerful impact and have landed upon the hearts of millions. Then there are the older souls, those loving, devoted, and selfless humans who when faced with danger, allowed themselves to be guided by grace and protect the lives that they were charged to care for.  I am in awe of them. My heart bursts with adoration for there immediate willingness to love at the highest level possible, without question.
The Christmas season has turned somber. It's hard to think of celebrating knowing that so many are wishing every minute that life isn't as it is. My eyes have become more keen at seeing my children; watching them, observing them, hearing them, loving them. I'm speaking slower, pregnant with more meaning. I'm holding their little bodies, breathing together, feeling their warmth, tuning into their little spirits......and then letting them go, and seeing their eye sparkle as they turn to look at me and smile. I don't think I have thanked the good Lord above so many time in day for the lives of my children. I am in constant prayer.......for them, for the ones who are missed, for me to have the strength to be more, give more, do more.
What I have learned about myself over the years is that I feel helpless when I can't be of use. I know that there is nothing in the world I could do for the community of Newtown, Connecticut to ease their suffering and agony. I will however, continue to send the my love, hold them in prayer, and shine the Light that I have been given up into the ethers, hoping at the very least they will sense some warmth and feel loved.
There is one thing I do wish to do. I would love for you to join me, should you feel called to do so. The photo above shows a woolen angel carrying a child in her arms. Late last night as I was pouring over articles and photos of those beautiful souls, angels came to my heart. I heard a whisper that asked me to make angels.......make an angel for each soul that is being missed in Newtown. So I began. I had never made such an angel before but had seen and appreciated many. I knew that I was being guided in creating this beautiful tribute because my hands instinctively knew what to do.
26 angels will be made.......I will bring them to Newtown myself before Christmas (it's only a mere 90 minutes from my home). If you, dear friend, would like to contribute an angel in honor of these amazing beings please comment below. I will be in touch with you each individually about how to retrieve them from you. Maybe if we aren't separated by too many miles we could meet in Newtown with our love and commitment to bring a little bit of Light to those who are so deeply saddened.

 Here is a link to our tutorial!!

Below you will see the button created by Eileen from Little Acorn Learning. She has begun a movement to keep the light in front of the darkness as we travel this new road within our lives. You can learn more here.

May wisdom shine through me,
May love glow within me,
May strength penetrate me,
That in me may arise
A helper of mankind,
A servant of holy things,
 Selfless, and true.
~ Adolph Arenson
also from The Waldorf Book of Poetry


  1. i am not sure if anything i made would get to you in time, but i wanted you to know how touched i am by your words. i too have been clinging to my children, suddenly being more patient, holding them more, noticing them more, suddenly all the other stuff is just meaningless. my earthside angels.

    1. I've extended my travel day until after, if you would still like to contribute, I'll wait xo

  2. Ah that sparkle in the eye of a child...nicely put. It's so hard to think about those poor little babies, and how so many people will be missing the sparkle in each of their eyes.
    I will make an angel in remembrance, I'm certain it wouldn't get to you in time...but I will make it all the same.

    1. Hi Sara ~ I will be extending my travel day as I've had a few others say that they would love to make an angel but the timing is too short. I will be traveling down to Newtown after Christmas so if you'd like you could still mail one to me. Let me know xoxo


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