
Thursday, March 21, 2013

{ pretty, happy, funny, real }

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, at Like Mother, Like Daughter
{ pretty}
Pysanky eggs. They are so pretty. For the past few years we've really delved deep into creating pysanky eggs. Kiki and Seri are still too young(they participate along side us in other ways) but Charlotte and the big kids love it. It's very meditative and when we're all sitting at the table, candles burning and the aroma of hot beeswax fills the air one can't help but fall into the reverence.....the quiet prayerful state. With each stroke of the kistka, with each design created, there is meaning beyond our knowing.
{ happy }

This little bean....her little love lights up our lives in so many ways. It's her smile that strikes deep, and those piercing blue eyes. She's got a direct shot to our heartstrings. Seraphina's new favorite spot is in the backpack. I was unsure of how she'd do looking forward from behind as opposed to snuggled in front by our hearts but, so long as she's bundled and slathered in peet and lavender oil, she seems to do fine. She is our HSP (highly sensitive person) so a lot goes into making sure she is protected on every level imaginable, even for something as simple as going to the grocery. All of that aside, this little lass is one happy little bugger.
{ funny }

Charlotte has been big into babywearing lately. I was calling and calling her for breakfast one morning and finally, after like the fourth time, I wandered in and discovered what she was up to! As I snapped the picture she was calling back "Hold on, Mama! I'm trying to tie my Moby!"
{ real }

It's really Spring. We've been having an assortment of visitors to our bird feeders over the past week or so. This is our first visit from the Titmouse. Aren't they sweet?! I could stand at that window all day and watch the busyness of it all.
"Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke



  1. That is the cutest and happiest smile on your "little bean"; her whole face smiles! Just like her mama's. Beautiful post!

    1. Thank you! Your comment is very sweet and much appreciated. Thank you for stopping by xo

  2. I love your bird feeders! spring truly is the best time of year :)

    1. Indeed!!! Still waiting, though! Spring is taking her time :)

  3. That is one gorgeous baby. Beautiful Rilke poem. <3

  4. Your little bean is so beautiful! Her smile lights up the room. I love the eggs you're making. So beautiful!

    1. Thank you! Pysanky really is something to see! Thank you for taking the time to be here xo

  5. That baby! What a darling.

    I have many happy memories of years' worth of Lents making psanky with our whole family, and my mother has the dozens and dozens of eggs (even after we dropped countless bowls) to prove it.

    1. Our Pysanky collection is growing by leaps and bounds. I've kept as many as I could, I fear many have broken :( But alas, the beauty and heartbreak of Pysanky! Thank you for stopping by, Rosie!


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