
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Grace Notes

I find that keeping my "grace notes" has really been an integral part of my being able to keep a good check on reality and the world around me. My thoughts come and go, precious moments or challenging ones pass by and then I find myself in a much different place then where I began. I blink and all of a sudden my first born is on the brink of becoming a teenager! This week has brought many realizations to the fore-front. In 21 months I will graduate from college, my newborn will be 2 years old, my eldest will be 14 years old and a freshman in high school!! My two littles will be 5 and 6 years old and potentially in kindergarten and first grade!!! I can hardly wrap my head around how fast it will all go by! Now, I'm not trying to wish away these next 21's just that these past 12 years have gone by so fast. It seems time is engaging in some warp speed act, like a rocket propelling through outer space. I am becoming more aware of the importance of slowing down, breathing, absorbing every little moment of precious time we have. I feel like I've let too many moments pass me by, spent too many moments frustrated or overwhelmed, sad, worried. I know these are all human experiences, they are somewhat unavoidable but in the grand scheme of is my choice to forgo the alternative. I'm excited for what lies ahead. I'm entering a phase of the unknown, like everyday that begins.......I wake up to uncertainty but yet am hopeful where I will be at days end. Holding the sparkle, the twinkle in the eye of my children's hearts. Holding the love of my beloved husband, amazing friends, and dear family. I'm choosing today to not waste a single moment and for that I am grateful.

What are you grateful for today? Please link up below and spread the gratitude xoxo

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