
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Michaelmas Shooting Stars

2012, the Year of the Dragon......It is the year in which we embrace the dragon, acknowledge, tame, accept, allow and understand all that they mean.
Michaelmas, a celebration of the archangel Michael and his ability to harness the courage he needed to slay (or tame) the dragon. Michaelmas is a time of much centering and inward reflection; a time to defeat the dragon within us, to look at deeply and shed light on the dusty places within our souls to allow our own star shine.
I could go on and on about what this time of reflection has meant to me. This Michaelmas season has brought about some wonderful shifts and exciting new possibilities. My heart has been opened wide and I've been able to listen and receive my calling, the whispers of my Angels who are guiding me along the way. My journey is not only continuing but most certainly beginning anew.
These thoughts are a bit much for the wee folk in my life. They absolutely can comprehend on a spiritual level the sacredness of this time; the purposeful work, the quiet storytelling and the magic of seeing the story of St. Michael come alive in our life. To help bring the story alive even more I chose to share with them this handwork project. Many years ago when my eldest first went to school we were blessed to be able to send him to our local Waldorf school. His teacher floated on air. She was as gentle as a lamb, as quiet as a mouse and her eyes twinkled like little stars. The children adored her, as did I. It was pure magic to watch her effortlessly move through a room of 20 or so children, sing a beautiful song and just like that the children would focus their attention her way. They quieted and they glistened in the pure magic of the moment. It was on a day just like this where I was able to assist the classroom in the making of these Shooting Stars.
The SITS Fall Back into Blogging Challenge has proven to be a bit difficult for me. I've been unable to keep up with the days and the blog challenges due to unexpected daily life occurances :) That being said.....I've mananged at least one post, albeit a day early, and so...... well, better late than never, right ;)
First, we went in search of Goldenrod to use for dying our felt.


We came home with two filled little baskets and began plucking the flower from the stems.

We put the flowers in a pot, covered them with water and boiled them for several hours.

While the flowers were boiling we went in search of the
 perfect stone to help add some weight to our stars.

One of the more fun parts......wet felting!!

Once the felt was formed into a ball, we dried them a bit then added them to our
strained goldenrod dye where they bathed for an hour or so. We let them
set/dry overnight. In the morning, we put them in a pillowcase and finished drying them in the dryer.

I added some needle felted star decorations and a ribbon tail and put them in
my littles hands; they ran for the door to send them into the sky.

"The Autumn winds wail through the wood,
Through rushes and through reed.
Who is the rider of radiant light
On the snowy white, shimmering stead?
Of garment of gold he rides along,
His face like the sun so bright.
O Michael, lend us your starry sword,
The darkness of Earth fill with light."



  1. I love this activity. What a great natural activity for everyone. I've just started a new link-up and would love you to join!

    1. Thank you, Gretchen! It was an honor to learn this from an amazing Waldorf teacher that I look up to very much! Thanks again for the invitation to your blog link-up! I'm quite excited to join you!!! Happy Autumn xoxo

  2. We made these several years ago and the children really enjoyed it. Please consider linking this on Waldorf Wednesday?


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